Keynote: Getting the Most Value Out of Testing
Tipo: Charla extendida, 45 minutos (explicar motivos)
Nivel: Principiante
Disertantes: Neal Norwitz
Biografiá del Disertante: Neal has started several open source projects including pychecker and cppclean. He's been using Python for 25+ years (~v1.2) and worked extensively on the Python core language for 5+ years. Since 2019, Neal has been a Distinguished Engineer at ASAPP where he is the technical leader overseeing architecture for the company. He was a software engineer at Google from 2005 to 2019 where he worked on several infrastructure projects for,, and other systems.
Horario: 18:30 - 19:30 - 29/10/2021
Sala: Main
Etiquetas/Tags: keynote

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