Creating Microservices with Django Rest Framework
The whole idea is present to the audience how it's easy to create a microservice with Django Rest Framework
Tipo: Charla estandard, 25 minutos
Nivel: Principiante
Disertantes: Alexandre Rosa
Biografiá del Disertante: I'm a software engineer at Mercado Livre Brasil (Floripa). I've been working on the software industry by 17 years so far, developing applications with Java, PHP, Python and Go. I've also worked as a team leader and a teacher.
Horario: 17:00 - 17:30 - 06/12/2019
Sala: D - Invgate
Etiquetas/Tags: python django django-rest-framework
Descripción completa
This is gonna be a hands-on presentation where my purpose is to use some slides to present the DRF framework and then walk through the code showing how it's simple to create a microservice using Django, Django Rest Framework. The agenda is gonna be: - Introduction (give some numbers to the audience about Django); - Talk about DRF (Serializers, Views, configurations etc) - Hands-on session (Creating a simple endpoint using Django and DRF)